Children in the Floods - Sri Lanka Need Help!

Shilpa Sayura Team responding to the appeal by the government for public to help flood victims of the torrential rains and strong winds which lashed Sri Lanka country in the past few days, made this initiative to help the children affected by the floods 2011. We are focusing on children as we think they are the most vulnerable group in disasters.
The impact of 2011 floods disaster is more damaging than it seems.
News sources report that the floods and earth slips have displaced over 830,000 people in the Eastern, North central and Central provinces and destroyed over 132,000 acres of agriculture land. Government announced that there are over 800,000 flood victims needing drinking water, clothing, mats and milk food for the children.
Over 170 small irrigation tanks in Batticaloa, Polonnaruwa, Ampara, and Anuradhapura districts have been destroyed while 172 were partly destroyed as reported by News sources quoting agriculture department.
Based on our previous experience supporting tsunami victims, right now the children are hungry, and their health would be in danger staying in camps. When floods recede more problems will emerge. Their houses damaged, their parents farms destroyed and their books and cloths would have washed away. Their schools destroyed, the records are lost, furniture washed away. We see this is a moment to act as a nation to re-build their life and education long term basis.
It's the reason we are starting “Children in the Floods” initiative, and we need you to help children in the floods to get back to a normal life. Immediately Now! and more to be done after the floods recede.
News sources report that the floods and earth slips have displaced over 830,000 people in the Eastern, North central and Central provinces and destroyed over 132,000 acres of agriculture land. Government announced that there are over 800,000 flood victims needing drinking water, clothing, mats and milk food for the children.
Over 170 small irrigation tanks in Batticaloa, Polonnaruwa, Ampara, and Anuradhapura districts have been destroyed while 172 were partly destroyed as reported by News sources quoting agriculture department.
Based on our previous experience supporting tsunami victims, right now the children are hungry, and their health would be in danger staying in camps. When floods recede more problems will emerge. Their houses damaged, their parents farms destroyed and their books and cloths would have washed away. Their schools destroyed, the records are lost, furniture washed away. We see this is a moment to act as a nation to re-build their life and education long term basis.
It's the reason we are starting “Children in the Floods” initiative, and we need you to help children in the floods to get back to a normal life. Immediately Now! and more to be done after the floods recede.
As we see, right now they need everything from water to cloths.
Please start your own initiatives, in every way you can, bring everyone in.
Start collecting centers for water, dry food, warm clothes, slippers ....
Start collecting centers for water, dry food, warm clothes, slippers ....
We do not have much resources on our own,
but we belive ICT and Social Media can Help them
Our first action is to send a team to Polonnaruwa, Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Anuradhapura tommorow to report from the field on the needs of children affected by this disaster and make contacts with grass groups helping the volunteers.
If you like to create an initiative to help them, we can assist you to make contacts with grass root groups helping the victims. From tommorow we will try ro bring you more reports from fields.
Please contactAnil Vithanage,
Community Support Coordinator
Shilpa Sayura Foundation
Join CIF facebook group
We do not have much resources on our own,
but we belive ICT and Social Media can Help them
Our first action is to send a team to Polonnaruwa, Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Anuradhapura tommorow to report from the field on the needs of children affected by this disaster and make contacts with grass groups helping the volunteers.
If you like to create an initiative to help them, we can assist you to make contacts with grass root groups helping the victims. From tommorow we will try ro bring you more reports from fields.
Please contactAnil Vithanage,
Community Support Coordinator
Shilpa Sayura Foundation
Join CIF facebook group